The Bank of Greeleyville is pleased to offer you the many benefits of Online Banking with the Bank of Greeleyville. With your personal computer and internet access, you will be able to obtain information concerning your accounts, transfer funds between your accounts, arrange for the payment of bills, and conduct other banking transactions as described in this Agreement.
This agreement states the terms and conditions that apply when you use Bank of Greeleyville (BOG) Online Banking. Your use of BOG Online Banking is governed by this Agreement, our Fee Schedule, your application for BOG Online Banking and/or Bill Payment Service, any instructions we provide you on using Online Banking, any other agreements including deposit account agreements disclosed at the time the account was opened, signature card agreements, and loan agreements, including any subsequent change of terms and notices. The use of BOG Online Banking by you, or by anyone you authorize, is your acknowledgment that you have received this Agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by it. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any other agreement governing your deposit account, this Agreement will control.
Access: To subscribe to BOG Online Banking, you must maintain at least one deposit account and have access to a computer with internet capabilities. You may access any of your BOG accounts as requested on the Online Banking Application. You must be the owner or co-owner of each account. You may designate any of your deposit accounts for Bill Pay service. We will assign you a User ID and Password to use the first time you logon to BOG Online Banking. At that time, you will be required to select a new Password and may create a new User ID. You will be required to change your Password periodically. It is your responsibility to remember your password; we do NOT have access to this information.
Services: You may use BOG Online Banking to conduct the following: 1) Obtain information from your deposit and loan accounts as requested on your Online Banking Application. 2) Transfer funds between certain of your deposit accounts. 3) Transfer funds from your deposit accounts to make payments on certain loan accounts with us. 4) Request us to Stop Payment on checks. 5) Make payments using the Online Bill Payment service, if you requested this on the Online Banking Application.
We may introduce additional Online Banking services from time to time and will notify you as these services become available. Your use of BOG Online Banking to perform these services is subject to the terms and limitations stated in this Agreement and the applicable instructions we provide you.
Security: In order to maintain secure communications and reduce fraud, you agree to protect the security of your Online Banking ID and Password. Under NO circumstances should you disclose your password to anyone over the telephone or to anyone claiming to represent the Bank. BOG employees do not need and should never ask for your password. Additionally, you should not send confidential information via the Internet or e-mail. You are liable for all transactions made or authorized using your password. The Bank is entitled to act on instructions received through Online Banking under your User ID and Password, without inquiring into the identity of the person using this information. Anyone to whom you give your Online Banking ID or Password will have full access to your accounts even if you attempt to limit that person’s authority.
Please tell us AT ONCE if you believe that your password has been lost, stolen, or used without your authority. You should contact us immediately by phone at 843-426-2161 if you believe your Online Banking ID and/or Password have been compromised. If this occurs and you tell us within two business days after you learn of the loss or theft, you can lose no more than $50 if someone used your password without your permission to make an unauthorized electronic fund transfer (as defined by federal law). If you do NOT tell us within two business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your password, and we can prove we could have stopped someone from using your password without your permission if you had told us, you could lose as much as $500.
Transaction Limitations: For Savings and Money Market accounts, federal regulations limit third party or pre-authorized transfers and withdrawals to six per statement cycle, no more than three of which may be made by check, draft, debit card or similar order payable to third parties. Loan payments to us are not included in these limits. For security reasons, we may impose additional limits on the frequency, number and dollar amounts of transactions you can perform using BOG Online Banking. You must have enough available funds in any account from which you or an authorized user instructs us to make a transfer. If your use of BOG Online Banking overdraws your account and the overdraft is not covered by an approved line of credit relating to the overdrawn account, you agree to make immediate payment to us in the amount of any such overdraft, together with related service charges, as stipulated in the deposit agreement provided at the time of account opening.
Electronic Mail: One of the features of BOG Online Banking is electronic mail, which allows you to communicate with us electronically. If you send us an electronic mail message, we will be deemed to have received it on the following business day. We will be diligent in responding to your e-mail. Do NOT rely on e-mail if you need to communicate with us immediately, for example, to report an unauthorized transaction from one of your accounts or to stop a pre-authorized payment. You agree to allow the Bank to communicate with you via e-mail pertaining to any matter relating to Online Banking Services.
Termination of Account Access: You may terminate or discontinue BOG Online Banking by giving us at least 10 days prior written notice. If at any time you do not comply with the terms of this Agreement and the agreement that governs your deposit accounts, the Bank can terminate your access to those accounts through BOG Online Banking. Your account can be terminated for non-payment of fees (if applicable) or if your accounts are not kept n good standing with the Bank. If during a consecutive 90 day period you do not access the Online Banking Service, the Bank reserves the right to terminate your access privileges. To reactivate, new agreements and applications must be completed. If we terminate your Online Banking account for cause, you are responsible for all fee, charges, and overdraft amounts on the account at the time the account is terminated and any collection fees we incur while trying to collect the fees, charges or overdraft amount.
When Bill Payment Services are terminated, any prescheduled bill payments made through BOG Online Banking will also be terminated.
Notices: Any notice we provide concerning BOG Online Banking and your accounts is effective when we send you an electronic message or when we mail or deliver the notice to you at he address you have provided for our records. If any of your accounts have more than one co-owner, notice to any one co-owner will be considered effective notice to all. You agree to notify us promptly in writing of any address changes, including regular mail and electronic mail.
Warranty: We may on a regular basis perform maintenance on our equipment or system, which may result in interrupted service or errors in service. We also may need to change the scope of our services from time to time. We will attempt to provide prior notice of such interruptions and changes but cannot guarantee that such notice will be provided. We make no representation that BOG Online Banking services, including Bill Payment, will be uninterrupted or error free. Our sole obligation to you arising our of the non-availability of BOG Online Banking or an interruption or delay in providing Online Banking shall be to use commercially reasonable efforts to resume such activities. The foregoing shall constitute our entire liability and your exclusive remedy.
Waiver: We will not be deemed to have waived any of our rights or remedies under this Agreement unless we send the waiver to you by electronic message or we otherwise mail or deliver to you a written waiver signed by us. No delay or omission on our part in exercising any of our rights or remedies shall operate as a waiver of such rights or remedies we may have. A waiver on one occasion will not be construed as a bar or waiver of any rights or remedies on future occasions.
Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina, including all applicable provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code, and all applicable federal law.
Acceptance of Agreement: In order to access and use BOG Online Banking, you must agree and consent to receive the Online Banking Agreement electronically. I certify that I am a valid account holder at the Bank of Greeleyville, have read, understand and agree to all terms, conditions and disclosures contained herein. My initial use of BOG’s Online Banking product constitutes my acceptance and agreement to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and acknowledges my receipt and understanding of this Agreement.